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Hernando Urrutia (Portugal)
Look at you with VIOLENCE, 2022, image
It is the gaze with VIOLENCE…, when the action of looking at the other is carried out with violence, it is a call for transformation and a change of attitude in the face of the violence that is directed by means of looking.Â
It is the terrible cry that is made from our gaze and that, although it cannot be shown, it is reflected when we look at you.
The strong charge turned towards a violent vision represents the negative charge, it shows the dark side of the human being, thus exposing the intensification of VIOLENCE.
Born 1964, multidisciplinary Artist, Researcher, Designer, Curator, Composer, Filmmaker, University Professor and Cultural Manager. Portuguese nationality. PhD. in Digital Media-Art. University Professor in Multimedia and Arts Degree (Applied Informatics and Digital Video Technologies) University “Portucalense” – Porto, Portugal. Collaborating Researcher at CIAC – Centre for Arts and Communication Research. Visiting Researcher at M-ITI – Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute. Member of the International Scientific Committee (International Special Guest) at OVER THE REAL VIDEOART FESTIVAL – VI Edition (2021) Italy. Curator of the Pavilion “TRANSGRESSION art + technology” (Portugal) of the “5TH INTERNATIONAL EDITION OF THE WRONG BIENNALE – 2021-2022”, in Spain. International Curator (Selection and Award Jury) of LANDSCAPE 2022 II Edition in Salermo, Italy. Founder, Director of the Project “FX DIGITAL ART- Digital Art Exhibition in Public Space “, Funchal- Portugal. Founder, Director, Producer and Curator of EXPERIMENTA – Audio-visual Transformation (International Video Art Exhibition) and “IMAGE PLAY – International Video Art Festival, in Portugal. President of the Direction of + Art Contemporary – Cultural Association.