Violence Online Festival
(Text by Agricola de Cologne. Copyright © 2002-2005. All rights reserved)
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Short note
Violence Online Festival was active between 2002 and 2004, starting in August 2002 as online part of Violens Festival Tabor/Czech Republic, since March 2004, Violence Online Festival is complete and became an integral part of the global networking project [R][R][F] 200X environment, currently at
“Violence” is a New Media art project in form of an online festival reflecting the phenomenon of “Violence”, curated, organized and created in Flash by Agricola de Cologne, curator and media artist operating from Cologne/Germany. As an ongoing project Violence Online Festival is developed for being presented in future in the framework of physical and virtual media festivals and exhibitions. For each event a new project version will be created adjusted to the actual needs including additions of new artists/works and other changes.
Violence is an expression of speechlessness, of lack of communication. The best solution to eliminate violence and confrontation is looking for communicating, dialogue and networking, starting already in the smallest cell of society family, which lead in consequence to openness against the different, tolerance. A good example on the way to that represents the net based art project – – Memorial project against the Forgetting and for Humanity.” (by Agricola de Cologne, published as Article20 in – Covenant of the Articles of Artistic Mediation on World Mediation Summit Washington 2002 )
The human character contains both a light and a dark side, good and bad, individually manifested. Deeply rooted is a dark-sided element: Violence. In happy surroundings, it becomes hardly visible and in less happy surroundings – either of a physical, psychological, environmental, ideological, economic or political nature – nearly automatically a kind of survival strategy with all the known consequences we see manifested in conflicts on a small or large scale. Violence is present anywhere, hidden or sleeping, hesitating, waiting or in action, starting from simple mobbing via verbal or physical attacks, the bandwidth has no end. Nowadays, globalization, social injustice, unemployment, increasing wealth on one side and on the opposite increasing poverty (without mentioning some causes) produce a climate where violence has a fertile soil. From the attack on 9/11 in the USA, people from the Western civilization became painfully aware that security of any kind is a mere illusion; not only the internal, but also the external enemy is present anywhere. Artists are said to be the consciousness of a nation or society as they reflect the actual state of the psychological and physical environment. When this state is penetrated by violence, nobody is surprised that violence becomes a universal subject for artistic reflection, the difference may only be the view on it and its perception depending on the respective cultural background. ‘Art and violence both seem to stem from the abstract: that place beyond logic, the realm of the emotion. When they intersect we are simultaneously repelled and attracted, frightened and excited. Historically this meeting has been wrought with complexity, and as cultural violence in every society increases, we are prevented by paranoia, censorship and ethical demands
from asking, and sometimes even posing, some of the most important questions violence and art together and separately produce: how is violence represented, and what or how much of it do we need to resist the cultivation of fear and the encouragement of dependency? Is violence a tool, a process or a result? When are artistic portrayals of violence justifiable? As intellectual exercise, ritual, or spiritual enhancement? For other purposes? Or are they never justifiable? Is violence in art an action, reaction, or reflection? ‘ (quotation: festival statement). How different the results of an artistic reflection can be is shown through the Violence Online Festival including more than 300 artists from 42 countries presenting their work. It forms a dynamic collaborative art work presenting very individual visions and use of media. The relevance of violence becomes visible also through the high quality standard of all the included works. Each of them represents another aspect of violence – caught in textual poetry, running as a video or embedded in an interactive environment of a net-based art work. In reaction to the key role (mass) media plays by displaying and even promoting violence, a new environment (interface) has been created for Violence Online Festival, which houses and hosts the art works within a virtual media company named “Violence Media Incorporated”. By dividing the company into different departments (eg. “Violence for Happiness” , Violence Marketing” or “Violence Broadcasting”), it becomes clear that their meaning has a rather ironic or sarcastic character, which gives the embedded art works a new meaning. While surfing through this environment, the visitor is forced to ask and give answers, and becomes slowly a part of this network of art through his reflections and changes of perception.
(incorporated in [R][R][F]200x—>XP, Violence Channel)
Gregoire Zabe. Christoph Bruno, Thomas Petersen, Juergen Trautwein, Anahi Caceres, Barry Smylie, Nick Fox-Gieg, Mark Kammerbauer, Paivi Hintsanen, Fanny Aboulker
Participants: new in Version 9.0
Nikki Johnson, Robert Praxmarer, Andy Deck, Isabel Aranda Yto, Steven Lawler, Klaus Schrefler, Sergej Jakovlev, Jeremy Newman, Joseph Nechvatal
Participants: new in Version 8.0 – 1st anniversary edition
Sachiko Hayashi, Brian Judy, Nick Barker, Julian Alvarez, otium, Nitin Shroffs, Davida Kidd, Ivonne Martinsson, Vladimir Todorovic, Cezar Lãzãrescu, Bruce Eves, Ksenija Kovacevic, Michel Cleempoel, Craig Poirier, Paula Miklosevic, Heather.J. Tait, Sarah Savage,
Ivana Ozetski/Jadranko Pongrac
Participants: new in Versions 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
Francesca da Rimini, Igor Marinkovic, Fred Fennollabate, Brocolis VHS, Valery Grancher, attrowbri+zillno, UsineDeBoutons (Lionello Borean+Chiara Grandesso)
Participants: new in Version 6.0 and 6.1
Jo-Anne Green, Helen Thorington, Tjader Knight Inc., Sorana Tarus, Mark G. Cooley
Participants: new in Version 5.0 – war edition
restate, Tamara Lai, L.L. de Mars, Ryan Griffis, Edward Marszewski,
Ventsislav Zankov, re:combo, Agricola de Cologne, pedropez, Stephen Mead, Stephane Tomora, Sergei Teterin, Mike Haskett, Joy Garnett, Team of Get Carded, Andy Deck, Bruce Eves, Irene Marx, Guillaume Dimanche, jgjeux, Peter Jacobi, Giacomo Picca, Clemente Padin, Antonio Mendoza, Josh McPhee, Judith Villamayor, jen, Bluescreen
Mara Infidelious, Markus Christian Koch, Michael Crane, Jon Burgerman, Tolya Glaukos
Maria Papadimitriou, David Vegezzi, Home Team, Lorenzo Taiuti, Floe Florin, Scott Becker
Robert Labor, Miguel Carlos Labra, Cendres Lavy, Feargal O’Malley, Audrey Mantey
Per Pegelow, Tigran Tovmeysyan, Hughues Rochette, Daniel Hanequand, Dyian Anguelov
Timothy Bowen, Cezar Lazarescu, Caterina Davinio, ego, Marc Garrett, David Sansone
Mona Vatamanu, Joon-Yong Jung, Ivan Abreu, Bill Berry, Isabel Aranda Yto, Noya Abdelaziz, Alan Sondheim, ED Mole, Katie Bush, David Crawford, francesca da rimini.
All 300 participants from 42 countries
Germany: Agricola de Cologne, Roland Schappert, Knut Eckstein, Jürgen Bysard Adams, Ilse Hilpert, Sabine Scholz, Wittwulf Y Malik, Ruediger Axel Westphal, Matze Schmidt, Johannes Finke, Tolya Glaukos, Irene Marx, Per Pegelow, Joerg Gruenberg, Markus Christian Koch, Home Team Croatia: Tony Mestrovic, Maya Kalogera, Luther Blisset, Ivana Ozetski/Jadranko Pongratz UK: Jess Loseby, x mac dunlop, Marc Garrett, jen, Nick Barker Nitin Shroff, Sarah Savage Japan: Kenji Siratori Finland/UK: Tjader-Knight Inc. Portugal: Susana Mendes Silva Argentina: Rachel Partnoy, Alicia Partnoy, Ruth Irupe Sanabria, Gabriel Otero, Anahi Caceres, Jose Cuckier, Irene Coremberg, Andres Ingoglia ALEJANDRO GOMEZ TOLOSA, Judith Villamayor, David Vegezzi, Miguel Carlos Labra Belgium: Tamara Lai, Luc Fierens, otium, Michel Cleempoel Colombia: Andres Yepes, Eduardo Angel, Claudia Tribin, Alejandro Jaimes-Larrarte Brazil: Brocolis VHS, Wilton Azevedo, Giacomo Picca, re:combo Australia: Francesca da Rimini, Michael Grimm, Andrew François, Bruce Petty, Mason Petrie, Jane Fenton Keane, Jason Sweeney, Peter John Sprenkeler, Gaby Bila-Günther, Atanas Djonov Poland: Loy Estonia: Dagmar Kase Sweden: Mike Haskett Romania: Mona Vtamanu, Floe Florin, Cesar Lazarescu Greece: Maria Papadimitriou France: Valery Grancher, name diffusion, Nicolas Clauss, Xavier Leton, Emilie Pitoiset, Antoine Schmitt, jimpunk, Michael Sellam, Hugues Rochette, Guillaume Dimanche, Bluescreen, Cendres Lavy, Robert Labor, ED Mole, Stephane Tomora, Fred Fennollabate Turkey: Bulent Bas, Genco Gulan Lithuania: gintas K, Tautvydas Bajarkevicius Uruguay: Clemente Padin Chile: Isabel Aranda Yto Italy: UsineDeBoutons (Lionello Borean+Chiara Grandesso), ego, Casaluce/Geiger, Caterina Davinio, Antonio Sassu, Marcello Mercado, Chiara Passa, Lucia Leuci, Patrizia Alemanno, Luca di Gregorio, Carla Della Beffa, user (ctrl), dlsan, Luigia Cardarelli, Lorenzo Taiuti Serbia: Marko Stamenkovic, Igor Marinkovic, Ksenija Kovacevic, Vladimir Todorovic, Paula Miiklosevic Puerto Rico: Richard Monge Korea: Bang-Geul Han, Joon-Yong Jung Egypt: Noya Abdelaziz Canada: Craig Poirier, Davida Kidd, Eva Lewarne, Jeremy Owen Turner, Babel, Jo Cook, David Cheung, David Fujino, panoptica, Katie Bush, Daniel Hanequand Bulgaria: Ventsislav Zankov, Dyian Anguelov Ireland: Feargal O Malley Romania/Germany: Peter Jacobi Spain: Juan Del Gado, Julian Alvarez Finland: Janne Vanhanen Sweden: Sachiko Hayashi The Netherlands: Dylan Graham Cuba: Ivan Abreu Israel: Igor Ulanowsky, Shira z. Carmel, Shay Kun Austria: Klaus Schrefler, Medea, Renee Kellner, Joerg Piringer, Andre Zogholy Russia: Sergej Jakovlev, Sergej Teterin USA: David Crawford, Edward Marszewski, Bill Berry, Mark Palmer, Pighed, Lewis LaCook, Doron Golan, Gerald Schwartz, Seth Lew, Eric Parnes, Nancy Jane Moore, Joy Garnett, Yevgeniy Fiks, anonymous, Restate, Todd Jokl, Moya Devine, Sharon Harper, Coco Gordon, Brody Condon, Rika Ohara, Mike Salmond, Steve Bradley/Timothy Nohe, Alison Cole, Craig Macneill, Eric Wennermark, Brian Judy, Humberto Ramirez, Deb King, Robert Dohrmann, Judson Wright, Jeff Gurecka, Anne Bray and Molly Cleator, John Kannenberg, Katrinka Moore, Johanna Thompson, G.H. Hovagimyan, Jody Zellen, Jerzy Kolasinski, Lucky Pierre, Nikki Johnson, Christina McPhee, Raphael Lyon, Nicolas Economos, Adam Beebe-Infanticide, Danielle E. Lee, Robert Kendall, Sadiq Bey, Geoffrey Thomas, Aland Sondheim, LISA HUTTON AND MARK POLISHOOK, Timothy Bowen, Tigran Tovmeysyan, Scott Becker, Michael Crane, Jon Burgerman, Mara Infidelious, Josh McPhee, Team of Get Carded, Andy Deck, Bruce Eves, Ryan Griffis, Jo-Anne Green, Helen Thorington Mexico: Fran Ilich, Cindy Gabriela Flores Nicaragua: Franck de las Mercedes
Philippines: Fatima Lasay and her classes: VC36 CLASS John Michael Acevedo, Mark Anthony Alvarado, Carlo Ahillion, Rikki Carmelo Baranda, Criselda Cac, Alexander John Castro II, Nathaniel, Chua, Eric Flores, Gimo Lanot, Sabrina De Leon, Merwin De Mesa, Jr., Marielle Nadal, Lizamae Orola, Francis Rafael Sanbuenabuentura, Rogelio Santos, Jr., Lea Segarra, Zoltan Pabon, Vincent Paul Samson, Don Juan Paolo Torres, Alfred Mark Trajeco, Sheryl Valencia, Archie Yumul SFA192 CLASS Gerard Baja, Anna Teresa Cabardo, Uriel Colomo, Niko Loren Dela Cruz, John Ervin General, Michael Angelo Lampayan, Olivia Lopez, Deodato Pairez, Jerusalem Pimentel, Alfred Anton Po, Joseph Raz, Jr., Ruth Kathryn Santiago, Brian Oliver Sergio, Cherry Ann Tolentino FA100 CLASS Eleanor Alfante, Carlito Amalla, Maysa Arabit, Ry Sedrick Bolodo, Joey Claronino, Monica Delgado, Katrina De Dios, Amiel Lapuebla, Catherine Rose Lasam, Michael Sagcal, Mary Grace Tenorio, Gem Alexandria Tuano, Winchell Saludares, Camilla Tabagan, Paulo Vinluan
Violence ONLINE Festival started in 2002 as an ongoing project, expanding continously before its 10th version became corporate part of The RRF Project in 2004.
All Violence Online Festival presentations:
* Version 1.0 : Online part of Violens Festival Tábor (Czech Republic) 17 – 31 August 2002
* Version 1.01 :Graz 2003 – Medienturm Graz (Austria) September 2002
* Version 1.1 : Featured on A Virtual Memorial Sept. 2003
* Version 2.0: Computer Space Festival 2002 Sofia (Bulgaria) (18-21 Oct 2002) and
* Version 2.1: Liberarti Festival /Liverpool Biennale 2002 (10 Oct – 01 Dec 2002)
* Version 2.2:*Award: Special Prize of Computer Space Festival Sofia (Bg)
*Version 3.0: e-magic_cybermedia events – 43th International Film Festival Thessaloniki (Greece) 12 – 16 November 2002
*Version 4.0 “New Media Nation – Festival of Festivals, Bratislava (SK) 20-22 Feb. 2003
*Version 4.1 Spotlight: TURBULENCE/New York launch on 4 March 2003
*Version 5.0 “Videoformes – 20-23 March 2003
18th International Video &Multimedia Festival Clermont-Ferrand (France)
*Version 6.0 1st New Media Art Festival Chiang Mai (Thailand) 4-15 April 2003
*Version 6.1 Net Art Open 2003 – Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) Dublin
*Version 7.0 PEAM 2003 – Pescara Electonic Art Festival
*Version 7.1 Web Biennial 2003 Istanbul Museum (Turkey)
*Version 7.2 Fibreculture Conference – Digital Literacies – Brisbane/Australia (11-13 July 2003)
*Version 7.3 50 th Venice Biennale – Blogwork 15 June-2 November 2003
*Version 8.0 //Open-air at Royal Gardens (Copenhagen/DK)
curated by Pio Diaz and Eva Sjuve (10-31 August 2003)
// File 2003 – Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo (Brazil )14-27 August
// Nonetart Festival – Arte Digital Rosario 2003 (Arentina) 15-27 August
Version 9.1 at “Globalization” on – January-December 2004
the final version 10.0 presented @ [R][R][F] 2004 —>XP —>
01. National Museum of Contemporary Art
Bucaresti/Romania (5 March – 30 April)
02. Bergen Electronic Arts Centre
Bergen/Norway (5 March – 28 March)
03. New Media Art Festival Bangkok (Thailand) (20-28 March) 2004
04. Now Music Streaming Festival Berlin (Germany)- – 7 April 2004
05. Version’04 Festival –
Invisible Networks – Chicago/USA – 16 April-01 May
06. Electronic Art Meeting
PEAM 2004 – Pescara (Italy) 19-23 May
07. BASICS Festival
Salzburg/Austria – 8-16 May 2004
Havanna (Cuba) 21-24 June
09. International Festival of New Film and New Media
Split/Croatia (26 June-2 July)
10. public_space_festival Yerewan/Armenia
23 July – 03 August
11. West Coast Numusic & Electronic Arts Festival
Stavanger/Norway 17-22 August
12. Biennale of Electronic Art Perth (Australia)
7 September – 12 November 2004
13. 24h of Nuremberg/Germany – VideoChannel
International Shortfilm Festival 15/16 October
14. 1st International Exhibition of Digital Art – Orilla’04 –
Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina (04 November – 04 December)
15. FILE –
Electronic Language Festival Sao Paulo/Brazil (23 November-12 December)
16. 404 New Media Art Festival Rosario/Argentina (7-15 December)
17. University of Bremen/Germany –
[R][R][F]2004—>XP – New Media event – 18/19 December
presented @ [R][R][F]2005—>XP —>
18. CAVE Gallery at ICB Bethlehem/Palestine – solo exhibition 17 February – 14 March
19. Bethlehem University – presentation as lecture – 17 February
20. Bethlehem International Center – presentation as lecture – 19 February
21. Musrara Media Art Academy Jerusalem/Israel – lecture – 22 February
22. MAF05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 25-29 February
23. Camera Obscura Academy Tel-Aviv/Israel – lecture – 02 March
24. ZKM Karlsruhe/G – Making Thinks Public –
“Women: Memory of repression Argentina†– 20 March – 08 August
25. Images Festival Toronto/Canada – 7 – 13 April
26. Version’05 Festival Chicago/USA
“Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina†– 22 April – 01 May
27. Israeli Digital ArtLab Holon/Israel 16 April – 16 July 2005
28. Hic et Nunc – San Vito a/Tagliamenti Italy – VideoChannel – 11 June – 17 July
29. MAF05 – New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Thailand – 25-29 June
30. Salon Arte Digital – Maracaibo/Venezuela – “Women: Memory of Repression in Argentina†– 20 June – 03 July
31. EAST’05 – Norwich Gallery Norwich/UK – 02 July – 20 August
32. prog:ME – 1st Electronic Art Festival– Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – 18 July – 28 August – VideoChannel
33. FILE – Electronic Language Festival– Sao Paulo Brazil – 31 October – 05 November
34. FILE – Hipersonica Festival– Sao Paulo Brazil – SoundLab Channel – 05 November
35. “Groundworks†– Regina Gouger Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University– Pittsburgh/USA-14/10 – 11/12
36. PI Five Video Festival– National Museum Szczecin/Poland , Aktionsbank Berlin – VideoChannel – 9/10 – 17/10
37. Interferencias – University of North West of Buenos Aires– Junin/Argentina – presentation 14 October
38. National Library– Buenos Aires/Argentina – presentation 12 October
39. Recoleta Cultural Centre– Buenos Aires/Argentina – presentation 11 October
40. MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art– Rosario/Argentina – presentation 17 October
41. National University/Art Department– Rosario/Argentina – presentation 18 October
42. MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art– Santa Fe/Argentina – presentation 21 October
43. Finis Terrae University– Santiago/Chile – presentation 25 October
44. Select Media 4 Festival– Chicago/USA – 20 October – 13 November
45. Univercidade – IAV (Institute of Visual Arts)– Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – presentation 7 November
46. State University – Rio de Janeiro/Brazil – presentation 7 November
47. Biennale of Video and New Media– Santiago/Chile – 18-28 November
presented @ [R][R][F]2006—>XP —>
48. The Art Gallery of Knoxville/USA– Global Groove (Nation Building as Art) –> VideoChannel – 01-25 January
49. India International Center New Dehli/India–
CeC & CaC – The Carnival of e-Creativity & Change-agents Conclave
–> VideoChannel –> SELECTION’03 – 27-28-29 January
50. FILE – Electronic Language Festival RIO– – Telemar Cultural Center Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
–> Internet based works from [R][R][F]200x—>XP – 20 March – 20 April
51. MAF’06 -New Media Art Festival Bangkok/Th – 02/05-04/05 2006
53. Al Kahf Art Gallery Bethlehem Palestine 1-30 July 2006
54. Play IV VideoFestival Buenos Aires/Argentina – 24-27 August 2006
55. Officyna Art Space Szczecin/Poland – 20 Oct – 20 Nov 2006
56. PI 5 Intermedia Festival Szczecin/Poland – 20-22 October 2006
57. Festival Arte Digital Rosario/Argenina – 16-18 November 2006
58. CROMA – 8th Audiovisual Festival Guadalajarra/Mexico – 11-17 November 2006
Since 01 January 2007 presented @ [R][R][F]200x—>XP
59. Casoria Contemporary Art Museum Naples/Italy – 16 December 2006 -30 January 2007
60. MAC – Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Fe/Argentina – 10 December 2006 – 7 March 2007
61. MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art Rosario/Argentina – 3 March -10 April 2007
62. CeC & CaC India International Centre New Dehli/India – 7-9 February 2007
63. Dutch Electronic Art Festival Rotterdam – unDEAF – 11-15 March 2007
64. ENTER Festival Caravansarai Istanbul/Turkey – 27-30 May 2007
65. IN-Difference IV Festival Belgrade/Serbia – 12/11 – 17/11 2007
As an ongoing project, Violence Online Festival will be presented in future project versions in subject related festivals and exhibitions. After one year, on 10 August 2003, Version 8.0 was launched. The 10th version was finalizing the project in 2004. As its “Violence Channel”, The Violence Project became part of The RRF Project and its numerous presentations until 2007.
Special thanks to
A Virtual Memorial for hosting ‘Violence Online Festival’ in September 2002 in the framework of the “Features of the Month” entitled “Attack – commemorating the victims of terror”
Fatima Lasay (University of Philppines, Diliman, Manila (Philippines) and the collaboration with her and the classes, which give the event special accents als in the Framework of Digital Art Festival Manila/Philippines) and Nisar Keshvani, editor-in- chief of Fine Art Forum ( – Eva Sjuve and Pio Diaz, Copenhagen (DK) – and, above all, to all participating artists who made the extraordinary show only possible.
Conception, realisation, production, programming, webmaster, curator, artist
Agricola de Cologne, media artist, New Media curator and founder of The New Museum of Networked Art an extensive – bio can be found on
Violence Online Festival copyright © 2002-2005 by Agricola de Cologne. All rights reserved. All works of the participating artists copyright © by the authors or owners.
Although the project is still existing because its files and hardware amd software are still existing, but due to a technology erased by the respective software compamy, whole generations of creators of multi-media online contents using this technology have lost their projects/property online. There are artists whose entire oeuvre was depending on FLASH.
Art in the Internet cannot be thought wIthout Flash, because it was an ideal creation tool for interactive applications. On the other hand there did not exist a comparable alternative which might replace Flash to be used for transforming the Flash contents into another technology. So, all these works are definitely lost not only for the creator but also for the online user.
At this stage, it is only possible to document Violence ONLINE Festival via a couple of static images, which, however give not the slightest idea of the dimension of networked art projects, artists, curators, venues, concepts and ideas and a new kind of art creation via global networking involving/including the active user into the creation.
Violence Online Festival