Violence Review
is the online magazine – regularly releasing articles/contributions from the biggest violence related periodicals – RAPE Magazine, Killer’s BIZAAR, HELL, The Rubbish Magazine, FAKE Magazine, Agony Mag, What’s The F*ck, DESTROY – VTV Magazine

Violence TV Magazine is announcing/featuring new violence films, programs, actions and events

violence.tvAs a conceptual component, Violence TV is going down to the violent aspects of TV/the media in general, as well as is a dynamic section inside The Violence Project featuring a wide range of video programs, and – the title of a new program structure @ Alphabet Art Center featuring videos outside of The Violence Project.

Violence CodeHow does the violence code look like? The Greek students know how to crack it!

violence.radioAs a conceptual component, Violence Rasio is going down to the violent aspects of sound in general, as well as is a dynamic section inside The Violence Project featuring a wide range of sonic programs, and – the title of a new program structure @ Alphabet Art Center featuring videos outside of The Violence Project.

Violence Travel Magazinethe ultimate periodical for violence/war tourism

DESTROY MagazineFun, fun, fun – the Worlds most disgusting war fun magazine – for health and leisure!

The Rubbish Magazinethe ultimate periodical for the fan community of the Rubbish celebrities

The RAPE MagazineUnique in its kind –is as a platform for domestic and gender violence, violence on children and women and other protected social groups.

F*ck MagazineWhat’s The F*ck – Names it. The real f*cking F*ckers need it. In word and deed!

Killer’s BIZAAR It’s so fashionable – reserved only for our rapidly growing community of murder, mass murder, war crimes and genocide- their fans and accomplices.

AGONY MagazineAGONY mag -is celebrating the agony of Planet Earth - by giving its fans the ultimate advice how to destroy our living environment.

HELL MagazineAutocratic – despotic? The Hell on earth has its own magazine

FAKE MagazineTruth- that’s the real fake. The FAKE Magazine-is recovering the incredible cases of TRUTH.

TROLL MagazineNetworked Violence!The World Wide Violence Web Magazine
Don't Shake Hands Kill!
© 2000-2022 by Violence Media Inc.